Session formats

  1. Discussion (5+13 minutes) 
  2. Flipped conference talk (1+17 minutes) 
  3. Poster pitch & poster (30 seconds / 5+5 minutes) 
  4. Oral presentation (10+8 minutes)
  5. Short hands-on / mind-on activity (18 minutes) 

1. Discussion (5+13 minutes)
The papers presented in this session are focused on discussion.

Authors will be allowed 5 minutes in order to introduce their paper to the audience. In doing this, authors can produce a one-page A4 handout for audience members that captures the key points they wish to convey as an aide-mémoire to focus the discussion. The use of PowerPoint or equivalent will not be allowed.

After the 5 minutes introduction, the session chair will facilitate 13 minutes of discussion about the paper. This discussion will take the form of a dialogue rather than simply asking the author questions. 
If the topics are closely related, the session chair, with the agreement of the authors well in advance of the session, may choose to have the paper introductions together at the start of the session followed by a longer integrated discussion about the papers.

The session will typically be in a round table format where possible.

All papers presented in the discussion sessions will be made available ahead of time and audience members will be encouraged to have read them to ensure that a full discussion can take place.
Authors should strive to keep their one-page handouts concise and focused and not try to reproduce their entire paper on the one page allowed.

This format is especially helpful for research papers and works in progress.

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2. Flipped conference talk (1+17 minutes)

If we can flip classrooms, we can flip conference talks! That is the basic idea behind this new SEFI conference session format, which brings the (co)constructive and participatory approach of the flipped classroom into the SEFI conference setting. The aim is to engage delegates in an in-depth and interactive discussion with fellow audience members and with the authors.

As the success of flipped formats is highly depending on preparation material as well as prepared participants, 

  • presenting authors are requested to prepare some material for participating delegates, which enable them to prepare appropriately well in advance of the session. Authors are encouraged to be as innovative as they would like as long as they remember that preparation time for participants should be sufficient. The preparation material should include a task or question for conference delegates, which they can use to prepare for the flipped talk.
  • conference delegates participating in a flipped conference talk are strongly encouraged to prepare for the session according to the material provided.

Presenting authors can kick off their 18-minute talk with a 1-minute icebreaker (e.g. a video, a summary or a poll) before engaging actively with session participants.

As usual for the flipped format, all papers presented will be made available ahead of time and audience members are encouraged to have read them to ensure that a full discussion can take place. 

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3. Poster pitch & poster (30 seconds / 5+5 minutes)

Please submit the slide for poster pitch no later than 10 September

In order to help conference attendees to identify the poster presentations that are most relevant to their areas of interest and to raise the profile of the poster sessions, each poster session will be preceded in the conference programme by a Poster Pitch session.

Each poster author will be asked to prepare and submit a single slide to the conference organisers. The slide will be on a standard power point template and will include the paper title, the author’s name and affiliation and room for a single graphic or a small block of text (a quote, a series of bullet points etc).

The organizers will take care of chaining the slides into a single presentation for the Poster Pitch session.

The Poster Pitch session will take place in plenary and prior to the scheduled Poster session. After a brief introduction from the session chair, each poster author will be allowed 30 seconds to briefly ‘pitch’ their poster to generate interest amongst the conference attendees. The 30 seconds will be strictly enforced as the timing will be embedded in the combined Pitch presentation. At this point, the authors should not be asked questions; they can be asked when attendees view the posters during the scheduled session.

Layout of the poster

We advise format A0 printed in glossy, normal paper or textile with portrait (vertical) orientation. We advise to limit the text in favor of figures and diagrams. You are welcome to take inspiration from cartoon-like posters.

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4. Oral presentation (10+8 minutes)

This format represents the standard oral presentation format.

Authors will be allowed a period of 10 minutes in which to present their paper followed by 8 minutes of questions from the audience to clarify and probe the work presented.

The 10 minutes of presentation can make use of PowerPoint or equivalent, but this is not required. Authors are encouraged to be as innovative as they would like as long as they remember the time window they have. If an author wishes to do something different that relies on technology, they should make this known to the conference organisers at the earliest opportunity to ensure that the smooth running of a session is not impacted.

Authors are also reminded that a 10-minute presentation should equate to no more than 10 (content)slides (if slides are to be used).

Session chairs will indicate the 3, 2 and 1 minute points before the presentation needs to finish. At 10 minutes the session chair will stop the presenter regardless of whether they have finished. 

After the 10-minute presentation, the session chair will facilitate 8 minutes of questions and discussion about the paper. 

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5. Short hands-on / mind-on activity (18 minutes)
Short hands-on / mind-on activity is a new SEFI session format, which is very practical. Authors should prepare an 18-minute session where conference delegates will have the chance to try things out with their own hands or minds. Thus, presenting authors are strongly encouraged to bring artefacts, which are closely related to the topic of their full paper (e.g. demos, simulations, teaching & learning materials or tools). The use of PowerPoint or equivalent will not be allowed.

Authors are encouraged to be as innovative as they would like as long as they remember the time window they have.

All papers presented in a short hands-on / mind-on activity will be made available ahead of time and audience members are encouraged to have read them to ensure that they get full benefit from the activities. 

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