Submission types

If you have submitted an abstract, you can now submit your full paper in ConfTool. You can also submit a proposal for workshop or round table discussion.

  1. Full concept paper
  2. Full research paper
  3. Workshop
  4. Round table discussion

1. Concept paper

Concept papers are full papers, which present scholarly work within the field of Engineering Education. Author(s) may submit studies of practice and work-in-progress projects. Download the template.

2. Research paper

Research papers are full papers, which follow the standards for good research practice in Engineering Education Research (EER). Author(s) may submit original studies and research projects within EER. Download the template.

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3. Workshop (120 min)

Workshops are intended to be in-depth training or learning experiences. Participants are asked to pre-register for a workshop. This means that workshops must offer participants a recognisable ‘product’ that provides them with enhanced knowledge and skills, documents and information. The learning outcomes and the interactivity component of the workshop must be clearly defined. A typical workshop duration is 2 hours.

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4. Round Table Discussion (60 min)

This new SEFI conference format offers the opportunity for a small group of conference participants to have in-depth discussions on a specific theme. Round table sessions will take place in an informal setting, with all participants seated around one table to promote interaction and discussion. Each facilitator in turn will be asked to give the key messages of her/his presentation (max. 5 minutes) and will then invite questions and discussion. The facilitator needs to be well versed on the topic and engage all group members in the discussion. A chair person will coordinate the session. At the end of each session the chair person will facilitate summarizing the session and gathering feedback on it (approx. 10 minutes).
Round tables do not have traditional audio-visual aids available, but most round table presenters bring handouts illustrating their work. Round tables are excellent venues for getting targeted feedback, engaging in in-depth discussions, and meeting colleagues with similar interests. They are not an appropriate format for presenters that anticipate more than 15 people in attendance.
For those interested in submitting a proposal for a round table discussion, please consider the following characteristics for effective round tables:

• Time managed carefully
• Moderator well versed on topic and keeps focused
• Facilitator does as much prep work for discussion as possible
• Summary of highlights

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